White Paper presented in Brussels

By EcoAction at June 11th, 2024

As part of the event, EcoAction presented the White Paper Mapping startup ecosystems: Lessons and Insights for Policy Design, based on the entrepreneurial ecosystem mapping carried out by the consortium.

The paper provides a brief overview about the main concepts funding entrepreneurial startups ecosystems. It provides a new conceptual collaborative framework for identifying and assessing the orchestrators, actors and their roles in distinct contexts, namely University-based or Community-based ecosystems. It summarizes the main findings concerning six cases studies applied to the EcoAction partners  and provides a set of insightful implications for policy and managers of HEIs, that outline the need for a new generation of public policies targeted to positioning HEIs as accelerators of entrepreneurship and innovation, independently of the regional community context.


Anmari Viljamaa (SeAMK) and João Leitão (UBI) hosted a breakout session in the event, in which the paper was presented and the participants invited to consider the entrepreneurial ecosystems of their own universities. Also the rector of UBI, Professor Mario Raposo, participated in the event.