Roundtable discussion on IPR, Sustainability and Training

By EcoAction at May 12th, 2023

IPR4SC* partners would like to invite you to the IPR Learning Lab, which will be held on 24th May 2023 13:00-14:30 CEST. The event will focus on aspects of the lacking IPR skills - and IPR for sustainability - and how education can be the key to breaking the cycle.

During the roundtable discussion, the focus will be on:

·         The importance of IPR education. Can it solve the IPR-skills deficit?

·         What IPR skills are Europeans lacking the most, and how education can contribute to this issue?

·         Why does the skill-gap exists and what contributes to the existing level of IPR knowledge in the society and among entrepreneurs?

·         Will education contribute to a better IPR framework – for businesses and citizens to utilize it for innovation and be aware of its role in the economy?

·         What should be done to improve the current status-quo, and have more IPR become a salinification part of digitalization and sustainability transition process?

Speakers at the roundtable discussion will be:

Marijana Šarolić Robić

She is a lawyer for 20 plus years and has been working actively in the startup world both as mentor and as legal support for almost 10 years of her career. Marijana assists to technological companies in fields of investment, regulatory framework and setting the basis for good IP structure of innovative technologies such stakeholders bring to the market. She also actively follows and strives to help transfer technology between academia and startup-s and already established business on their way to commercialization of new products and services.

András Jókúti

He is a lawyer by qualification and a creative at heart. He has spent a lot of years in IP policy, including 10 years at the Hungarian IP Office, seeing how national, European and international lawmaking takes place in this area. His 3 years at a Hungarian technical university exposed him to the realities of IP management in an academic environment and in the context of university-industry cooperation, and to what challenges startups face about intellectual property. He is currently the Director of the Patent and Technology Law Division at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Peter Alesnik

He is formerly the Head of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office at the University of Maribor, is now the Head of Spin-out and Spin-off support at the University of Ljubljana. His field of work is to advise and help commercialize research results, including through spin-off companies. He is active in helping companies, organizations and institutions identify and protect intellectual property rights, as well as the use of various tools in the search for new opportunities for the commercialization of the created knowledge and technologies.

Participation in the event is free of charge but you need to register for the event under the following link: /guSEFpuwM9kGKEPU6

More information about the event: /IPR_Learning_Lab__Second_IPR4SC_webinar.html

Tamara Besednjak Valič, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto (Lead Partner)

Virág Szuák, Pannon Business Network Association (Project partner)

*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Event details

Start date
2023. May .24. 13:00 (Wednesday)
End date
2023. May .24. 14:30 (Wednesday)